Sight Words & Orthographic Mapping
Sight Words
Words that can be read instantly.
Orthographic Mapping
The process of storing a word permanently in your memory for instant retrieval - this is also the key to reading, accurately, fluently and effortlessly.
Sight Words vs. High Frequency Words
Sight words are sometimes confused with high-frequency words. High Frequency words are words that we use often.,
A sight word can be any word, including high-frequency words.
Sight Words & Comprehension
Practicing and memorizing lists of words will not lead to a sight word vocabulary, if it is not combined with teaching phonics and phonemic awareness.
How do you know if Sight Words are being retained?
Can the student read the word accurately and quickly.
Can the student read the word in isolation?
Can the student read the word in context?
Can the student spell the word accurately and quickly?
How do you teach Sight Words & High Frequency Words?
Introduce a few words at a time.
Introduce high-frequency words before low-frequency words.
Introduce new words in isolation before they are seen in text.
Point out parts where letter sounds follow expected patterns.
Provide for opportunities for words to be read, written, and build words in and out of context.