Children are not born spellers, they are taught!
A good speller is taught to be a good speller by teaching them basic patterns, principles, and rules of spelling.
Nearly 90% of English words can be spelled if a child knows basic spelling patterns.
Encoding or writing words, depend on the same skills as decoding, or reading print.
Children generally learn to read a word before they learn to spell it.
Learning to spell is built on the understanding that words are made up of sounds (phonemes) and an understanding that letters represent those sounds.
As more exposure is gained with words children begin to notice, patterns in the way letters are used and recurring sequences of letters form syllables, word endings, word roots, prefixes, and suffixes.
Primary learners (MY FAVORITE 😍 ) will experience an overlap in spelling, phonemic awareness and phonics instruction.
Spelling is sort of that final stamp that helps children understand words in print.